Hi, everyone! How are you? I'm fine, though the week turned out exhausting. Last week we had a small trip with colleagues, saw this cute guy >>
Today's "Step-by-step" is again a small ACEO, painted with watercolors. I love their bright, vivid shades, but also to me it's a rather quick media, and for someone who's into F1 - "quick" = "awesome".
The work features one of main "Summerdays" characters, Cassandra. As always, not much to say about process, since the photos are pretty self-explanatory. When I was working on ACEO, I crumpled the paper a bit (in the bottom). It actually gave a nice table texture XD, that I recreated with paint later where needed.
Today's "Step-by-step" is again a small ACEO, painted with watercolors. I love their bright, vivid shades, but also to me it's a rather quick media, and for someone who's into F1 - "quick" = "awesome".
The work features one of main "Summerdays" characters, Cassandra. As always, not much to say about process, since the photos are pretty self-explanatory. When I was working on ACEO, I crumpled the paper a bit (in the bottom). It actually gave a nice table texture XD, that I recreated with paint later where needed.
The work is inspired by a friend Vita, who is a gifted artist and writer, currently working on her book "War of Roses", you can find some of her artworks on her DA-page >> bastas777.deviantart.com
Reference by amazing Faestock.deviantart.com
The final result:
Мои любимые аварельки, эта работа появилась во многом благодаря дорогой подруге, замечательной художнице и писательнице Вите (огромное спасибо за подарок к праздникам). Если щелкните по ссылке, попадете на ее страничку на Deviantart.
А этого красавца на фото сверху мы повстречали, когда ходили с коллегами в поход на прошлой неделе.
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