Making of "Raquelle Summer Style" ACEO

Hi, everyone! How are you? The weather is getting better here, and now it's not around -30C like it had been for two previous weeks. I've started some new artworks, and now *yep, due to MangaMagazine* I'm working on a "Summerdays vol.1" cover. After I started drawing I realized that  actually need it (and soon I will need a volume 2 cover). But I'm off the topic. As for today's work - again, it's an ACEO (aka "Kakao Karte", which is a way cuter name), but this time it features a relatively new character - Raqelle. I was excited to introduce her in manga, and it's extremely fun drawing her. I hope you'll like her as much as I do.

 Here you can see two stages of a sketch, first stage is supper-messy, it's goal is to capture the mood and idea quickly, then it gets neater and more detailed. I have a habit of starting coloring before making a lineart. Actually, often I have no idea if I'm going to make a lineart or define contour lines with contrasting colors (a pretty much traditional technique). Here I wanted to achieve a more common anime look. I used a small brush and acrylic paint to draw a linert because it's water resistant and I used watercolors for coloring. P.s. Ice-ream is drawn using water based markers (Carioca, superwashables). I had no idea if I was going to draw clouds and actually didn't want to do it... but due to extremely awful quality of paper, I had to use white gouache to conceal uneven coloring. I think it turned out pretty well.

Final result:
Have a wonderful week!
