Making of "Chibi Angie"

Hi, everyone! How are you? I'm fine, having a lot of art-plans. But first I decided to draw some colorful illustrations... and the quickest solution to finish something... and why not something digital? I'm not really a "digital artist", and feel more comfortable wit traditional media, but Yunie ( always inspires me to draw more digital stuff (you know I love your art-style and your books). Also, I'm new at drawing chibies, but seems I've become more comfortable at this.
So, this is is a chibi version of Angie, a character from my "Summerdays" project.

As you see, my digital sketches are super-messy, and I hadn't planned the composition very well, so I had to resize the canvas, and draw more background (though you can't see it here). I wanted lineart to look similar to pencil, so I used a brush with texture, and for coloring - a brush with watercolor effect, that I decided to try after watching wonderful artworks and tutorials by
Final result:


I hope you like this one.
Have a great day! 
